Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I am returning to you from a year-long hiatus, but in this blog you won't find me writing about my dating fails or my quarter-life crises. Alas, that time in my life has come to an end. With age comes wisdom, however (and a career, a smokin' hot boyfriend, and a bank account that finally stays in the positive). This time, I'm trading in the traumas of my early twenties for all the good things your late twenties have to offer...specifically in our own awesome state of Florida.

#FloridaLife will showcase cool things to do around our great state that you may not have experienced yet. From restaurants to staycations, you'll get a firsthand review of fun ways to spend your sun-filled days as a Floridian.

So break out the bikinis and the duck-faced selfies....#FloridaLife is about to hit the scene.


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